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The quality control

Today, the laboratories have to prove and to improve the quality of their results. For that, a quality control is carried out.

The aim of quality control is simply to ensure that the results generated by the method are correct.

In laboratories, there are two types of quality control :

  • External quality control : participation to profienciency test (inter-laboratories comparisons),
  • Internal quality control : an intra-laboratory monitoring thanks to a control chart. This internal quality control is easily practicable with our TITRIVIN.

The external quality control

External quality control is defined by a process improving quality results when several laboratories analyze the same sample.

During these inter-laboratories comparisons, a same sample is analyzed by all the participants. After the statistical calculation of the results, for a given parameter, an assigned value is done and the participants could use it as "reference".

Every laboratory can compare its result with this « reference ». For that the laboratory have to calculate an indicator called Z-score.

This indicator have to be followed in the time in order to detect possible drift or problems. It is recommended to carry out a Z-score control chart.

The internal quality control

The internal quality control is defined by a process improving the quality of results when only the results of a laboratory are used.

With this internal quality control, the laboratory can validate a series of measures. In regular interval, the same sample is analysed to check the stability of the method of analysis.

The main tool for this follow-up is the control chart.

Our TITRIVIN are reliable, stable in the time and practical to create this control chart.

Furthermore, all the ranges of wines analyses is covered by the TITRIVIN range. When you use a TITRIVIN to realize your control chart, you can demonstrate the accuracy and the reliability of your results. In deed, our reference values are obtained from the results of about forty laboratories.

The laboratory’s results are reliable when the control results oscillate in a random way around the target value and within the control limits. Reliable means that if yours results were repeated you would get the same results.

The laboratory’s results are accurate when the average of the control results is within the confidence interval of the TITRIVIN used. A accurate result is true to the “true” value.